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Therapy Basics: Attending therapy sessions is one of the most important and beneficial decisions a person can make. Therapy is a great way to vent and improve your mental or emotional state. Below are some basic things you should know about therapy. If you are interested in starting online therapy click > HERE. If you have physical ailments and would like answers from top doctors or to have your own personal online physician click > HERE.

About Therapy


Therapy in this case refers to Psychotherapy which is a form of treatment used by psychologists to improve psychological wellbeing. There are various forms of psychotherapy, but it generally involves one-to-one, couple, group, or family sessions during which individuals speak with a trained professional in a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space. Psychotherapists/psychologists help individuals explore and understand the things that influence their thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and work to improve psychological, cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal functioning.


If you are experiencing severe mental or emotional distress then therapy is highly advisable. Therapists are people who have extensive knowledge on how the human brain works and as such, they are able to find the underlying source of your despair and return some level of normalcy to your life. Therapy is not only for people who are severely distressed however; many see therapy as a great avenue to vent and improve their quality of life.


The short answer - both are trained to treat persons experiencing psychological difficulty, however there are differences in the training and modes of treatment administered. Psychiatrists are medical doctors and as such generally view and treat mental illness from an organic, medical perspective. They may focus more on the physical source (hormonal imbalance, head injury etc) of an individual’s psychological state and deduce what medical treatment would be best suited to address the problem. Psychologists are doctors of philosophy, psychology, clinical psychology and other specialties in the field of psychology, but are not medical doctors. As such, a major difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist is that psychologists don’t prescribe medication (exceptions in some regions). If medication is deemed necessary, psychologists often refer clients to a psychiatrist.


Face To Face: Most therapist have offices open to the public where people can make appointments and come in for treatment.

Telephone: Another more convenient way to access therapy is via the phone. Many people see this alternate as a helpful solution to having have to come in.

Online: Technology now allows for therapy sessions to be conducted behind the safety of a computer screen or from a mobile device in a safe and confidential setting. Start Online Therapy > HERE


Mental illness is, as the term suggests, illness of the mind. This can range from mild to severe, temporary to chronic and so on, and includes a range of symptoms that are severe enough to impact significantly on an individual and/or others with whom he/she comes into contact. The impact of mental illness is usually of a social, personal, cognitive, emotional, behavioural and/or thinking nature. For a person to be considered as having a mental illness, their symptoms must fit certain criteria as determined by a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist or psychologist. Common mental illnesses include Alcohol/Substance Dependence, Anxiety Disorders, Adult Attention Deficit (ADD), Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Eating Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Schizophrenia, Social Anxiety Phobia and many other issues. Learn more, watch videos and answer your burning questions about mental illness > HERE.


Millions of people seek therapy every year but the sad truth is that despite these figures, there are still many people who desperately need help and are reluctant to seek it. If you are trying to get someone to go to therapy, here are a few things to remember - Don’t be overly aggressive when trying to get someone to seek therapy - Be prepared for if the person has an unfavourable response to the suggestion - Comfort them with the knowledge that therapy is something that millions of people engage in regularly to improve their quality of life - Let them know that it is totally private and confidential - Remain calm even if they become agitated. For a detailed guide on how to get a person to start therapy click HERE


Detailed information on therapy and stopping a suicide can be found in the life saving manual “How To Really Stop A Suicide”

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If you are having serious suicidal urges right now, call the emergency services or call a suicide hotline